Decoding Dwelling in the Fuchun

Shandong Fine Arts Publishing House_Decoding Dwelling in the Fuchun

Author:Xiang Si



Published Date:July, 2016



Author: Xiang Si
Publisher: Shandong Fine Arts Publishing House Co. Ltd.
Time of Publication:July, 2016
Price:RMB ¥22.00
Number of Pages:144
Book Size:32
Brief Introduction:Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains, 33cm *
636.9cm,illustrates the southern landscape through the painting
of Fuchun River in Fuyang Area. Ever since it came out, it was
possessed by quite several collectors. In this book, the author
makes careful study of the painting on its creation, implication
and appreciation of Emperor Qianlong. The book consists of six
parts: Huang Gongwang, the Painting, Survival of Hard Times,
Mourning of Shenzhou, Misjudge of Emperor Qianlong, and
Legendary Fate.

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