Treasures Smuggled by Pu Yi
Author:Xiang Si
Published Date:March, 2016
Author: Xiang Si
Publisher: Shandong Fine Arts Publishing House Co. Ltd.
Time of Publication:March, 2016
Price:RMB ¥26.00
Number of Pages:172
Book Size:32
Brief Introduction:As Pu Yi, the last emperor, became a
grown-up, he earnestly hoped to restore the monarchy and
the Qing dynasty. In order to raise the fund for his political
purpose, he smuggled a large amount of the treasures out
of the royal palace in the name of rewarding his brother
Pu Jie. The author carried out detailed research of the last
emporor’s family and life from a brand-new perspective and
combed his major life events like ascending and abdicating the
throne, growing up, setting up the small court, wedding, etc..
In the book, the complex historical background and relevant
historical figures are illustrated and the rough fate of the
national treasures after they were smuggled out of the palace
is revealed.
The Collection of Chinese Patterns
Its range of pattern collection includes cera…