Decoding Riverside Scene at

Shandong Fine Arts Publishing House_Decoding Riverside Scene at

Author:Xiang Si



Published Date:March, 2016



Author: Xiang Si
Publisher: Shandong Fine Arts Publishing House Co. Ltd.
Time of Publication:March, 2016
Price:RMB ¥26.00
Number of Pages:184
Book Size:32
Brief Introduction:Since the painting Riverside Scene at
Qingming Festival came out around Chongning Period in
Song dynasty, it has been regarded as a divine piece of
art work. The emperors managed to collect it four times.
However, it also was lost four time. The book consists of six
parts: Emperor Huizong of Song, Zhang Zeduan, Riverside
Scene at Qingming Festival, Paining of Worldly Life, Code of
the Divine Work, and Legendary Spreading.

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