Compendium of Five Lamps(Wu Deng Hui Yuan)
Author:Shi Puji
Publisher: Shandong Fine Arts Publishing House Co. Ltd.
Time of Publication:November, 2008
Price:RMB ¥68.00
Book Size:32
Brief Introduction:Compendium of Five Lamps(Wu Deng Hui Yuan) is the collection of five important Lamp Records(a special style on the Zen school of Buddhism that records the koans, anecdotes, and stories of Zen masters). Everything in it is from daily life and arouses echoes in ordinary people’s hearts. The Zen masters reveal the truth of the world through wise and shrewd words, which causes resonance in the readers’ feelings. Starting from Seven Buddha and Buddha Shakyamuni and presenting the Five Houses and Seven Schools of Zen in plain but detailed language, the Compendium of Five Lamps gives
its readers a clear image of the origin and development of Zen school of Buddhism.
The Illustrated Book of Compendium of Five Lamps aims to help readers have a better understanding by adding more than 300 elaborate illustrations with concise but precise captions.
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